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said directors shall be so elected they may from their own number elect a president who shall hold his office for one-year and until his sucessor shall be elected. said board of directors shall have power to elect all agents necessary to carry on the busienss of the company. They shall have power to require bonds from all officers and agents of the company prescribe the duties of all and remove any officer or agent at pleasure. They shall have the power to prescribe rules and regulations and generally to do and perform all things which a natural person could do in order to the proper prosecution of their business. 
Sec. 5 Be it further enacted that said corporation shall have power to manufacture any and every thing that is made of iron, brass - copper, lead, zinc or any other metal and to manafacture - anything that is made of wood and especially to make casting and rolled Iron of all sorts.
Sec 6. Be it further enacted. That said corporation shall and may exist for thirty years from the passage of this act and that the whole assetts and property of the corporation shall be - liable to its creditors for the debts of the same and each - stakeholder shall be liable to creditors for his stock not paid up. 
Approved December 8th 1863 
Office of Secretary State Montgomery December 15th 1863. 
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy as taken from the original now on file in this office
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Great seal of the state this 18th day of December A.D. 1863
Signed P.H. Brittan
Secy State
I certify that the above is a true and correct copy of the charter as taken from the Books of the company
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 22 day of Nov 1865
LB Seve
Jno M Strong J.P.
[[image]]5 cent internal revenue certificate[[/image]]