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a Freedman, was next sworn and examined, and testified as follows in behalf of plaintiff: That said Jerry and Abram worked as faithfully as the balance of the hands on said place; that they obeyed his orders when given; they they were polite and not insolent; that they were not lazy; and that he, the said foreman, did not complain as to their past conduct; that one of said boys was absent from labor about four hours one evening, and the other was absent from labor a half day. (This was all the testimony given by the Plaintiff.)
The Defendants were then sworn and acknowledged their absence at the time stated. They also told the plaintiff where they had been and what they were doing. (This was all the evidence in the case.)
The plaintiff asked the Court for a Judgement against the Defendants for forfeiture of Contract, forfeiture of wages, and an order for their expulsion from the plantation. Upon which state of facts the Court rendered the following judgement:-
B.F. Blow, agent of Jno. Marrast 3. 
Jerry Marrast, Abram Marrast (Freedmen.)
Sept. 12, 1865.- This day the parties appeared in Court, and after hearing the evidence, - it is ordered, adjudged, and decreed by the court that said Defendants