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to replace what was lost by the fire, and let me just here assure you General that I can not see how my family is to get through the approaching winter, for I do assure you that we are destitute of all the necessaries of life, destitute of wearing clothes, bed clothes, and all articles of provision. This destitution you will see from what I have written above has been brought about by circumstances beyond human control, affliction, fire, and war, has been the three dispensations by which my family has been brought to destitution and want, and the above is General the reasons that prompted me to apply for assistance while in the city. Now it is true I have an indifferent waggon and four sorry mules, which I have no idea I could sell for $100, if I were to try every day for a month, I also have a few Hogs and cows, which, like the mules, could not be sold for half there value, the hogs are poor, none fat enough to eat, and there are no beeves among the cattle, there being, only a few cows and yearlings, none of the cows are giving milk, nor will not until next spring. The four mules are all that I have

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