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of the horse kind, if I were to sell them the proceeds would go but a little ways in buying necessaries for my family, and how then could we have wood to make fire through the approaching winter, a good fire is as absolutely necessary for a man in my situation as food and raiment, and if I kill and eat up what few milch cows I have my family would be intirely deprived of milk and butter next spring, and summer. I have a few hogs for next year, and I can not see how it would benefit my situation to kill and eat them while poor, when they would not make half the pork and lard they would after being properly fatted. Thease considerations as well as others that I might, and perhaps will, mention before I close, induced me to apply for assistance, and permit me just here General to say that I did not wish to make application merely for a little something to eat, the wants of my family are great, and necessary. We are in great need of clothing of every kind, to wear through the day, and sheets, Blankets, and comforts to cover up at night during the approaching winter, my family is also very much in need of medacine, Three of my children are now just takeing the whooping cough, and I hardly have in the house the covering and comfortable