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Office Sup't R., F. & A. L.,
Sub-District Huntsville, Alabama, 

Dec. 15  1865.

Col. C. Cadle
A A.G Bureau R, F & A.L.

I have the honor to state that the Dist. Quartermaster, Capt. H. R.  Whitesels to honor requiritions for fuel from the Supt. of Bureau for this Sub-Dist, and that all fuel used by the office thus far has been sent us as a matter of favor on his part, with the hope that ultimately the issue would be legalized by proper orders. The only order which applies in the case is Genl. Orders No. 147 c.s. War Dept. A.G.O. Oct. and that, he contends, by its terms excludes fuel. I think differently but the result is there is considerable suffering among the refugees and freedman during the severe weather of the past several days. The Q.M. is very obliging but will not issue without orders though he has on several occasions favored us in in extreme cases. I would respectfully request that some action be taken to remedy the existing evil.

I have the honor, Sir, to be
Very respectfully 
Your Obdt. Servt.
W. Irving Midler
1st Lt. 88th. U.S.C.I.
Asst. Supt. & Solicitor
of S.D.H.

In absence of Chaplain Goodfellow

#137. R. L.S. Dec 15/65.

Transcription Notes:
c.s. stands for Current Series. W.Irving Midler - checked out online for verification.