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away, and in many instances without a settlement. Again: complaints are frequently coming in of parties who it seems take night for their turn to go round and rob the negroes of all arms they may have in their possession, and sometime even taking their clothing. One instance of an attempt at robbery of this kind has been substanciated [[substantiated]] by the words of one of the citizens living in the neighborhood but he does not know the parties. Frequently they represent that they are sent from this Office for its purpose mentioned

Other parties have taken it into their hands to stop the negroes from coming to this Office for advice. And if they do come arrest them when they return. An instance of this kind happened last evening. Four negro men had been into my Office late yesterday, being very busy I did not get through with them till nearly five. While on their way home about four miles from here they were arrested by a party of Whites who toled [told] them they were going to take up every one of them who came in here to see a damned yankee. I have sent out a guard which has not yet returned. As Chap. Gardner is away please to give me such advise as may be of use. 
How about the application for Teams.
Very respectfully your Obedt. Servt.
J. B. Morgan Lieut
& Asst. Supt. Bu. R.F. & A.L.