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Office Bureau R. F. & A. L.
Selma Ala. Dec. 26th 1865

C. Cadle Jr.
Bvt. Col. A.A.G.

I have the honor to address your communication for the purpose of learning how to dispose of abandoned horses and mules left in the country by Gen. Wilson and mostly picked up by the negroes. Much difficulty is arising on this subject and I wish your authority for any action and guidance in the matter.

A communication received from the commanding Officer of my regt. (12th Iowa) this morning informs me that they are ordered to Memphis Tenn. Start on Thursday next. Can you inform me if they are to be mustered out or are they to do duty there. In either case what should I do. Chap. Gardner is still away. Hoping to hear from you on the reception of this
I am Col. Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servt.
J. B. Morgan Lieut &c.