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Freedmans Bureau
Mobile August 7th 1865

Brg Genl Wager Swayne.

I have the honor to report the arrest of one John Jeffries a planter and resident of Clarke County Ala.

I arrested said John Jeffries on the Steamer Marengo. in this city on Saturday the 5th inst on the charge of Murder - Sustained by the following testimony; Viz -

Louisa Jeffries Freed woman and wife of A. Jeffries. Swears that on Thursday night of the 11th of May. - John Jeffries (her former master) came to the cabin and called to A Jeffries to take his horse and that after pulling Mr Jeffrie's horse away he came back and they went to bed about the hour of 9 or 10 o clock had been asleep some time when some men came to the cabin and called for Alfred to come out. Alfred said he did not want to open the door. When they broke the door open and came in, Louisa saw John Jeffries Theodore Crouse and Lewis Harris all had shot guns. Albert got out of bed Crouse then made Albert cross his hands. Harris tied him - John Jeffries stood with his gun pointed at his head - they then took Alfred out of the cabin - there was others outside - they all went off taking Alfred with them and Louisa states that she

Transcription Notes:
Trigger warning: this letter describes the lynching of a Black man Victim's name appears to be written Alfred in some cases and Albert in others