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has not seen her husband since that night Thursday the 11th of May, 1865.

Richard Baker swears that he well acquainted with the Freedman Albert Jeffries and that he saw his body hanging on Todds Old Field - And Baker also states that he learned that Albert was hung on Thursday night the 11th May 1865 by John Jeffries & others. A white woman living in the Neighborhood will testify having seen the body, hanging in Todds Old Field and recognized it as the body of Albert Jeffries.

I have also the same evidence of other Freedmen who testify they saw Mr Jeffries at 9 o clock the night of the 11th of May 1865 give his horse to Alfred and saw Mr Jeffries again at day light (an unusual time for  him to rise). There is also much evidence on the Plantation of Jeffries.

In view of the horrid murders which are becoming daily more prevalent as the impunity is evident I arrested this man.

I called in Col. [[Barney?]], Provost Marshal on the 4th inst in regard to a similar case he gave me no satisfaction - indeed he thought it doubtful whether I could arrest a white man on a Negroe's evidence. On the 5th of Augst I called at Post Head Quarters Genl [[Shelby?]] Smith and his Adjutants were absent over the bay - The Marengo. had Steam

Transcription Notes:
Trigger warning: this letter describes the lynching of a Black man The victim's name appears to be written as Alfred in some cases and Albert as others