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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Mobile August 8th 1865 

Brg Genl Wager Swayne
Genl Supt Freedmen 


I have the honor to report that in pursuance of my duties I visited this morning the Mayors Court; (Mr Moulton presiding). I remained a silent spectator until a case came up which the judge was deciding in the usual summary way when I respectfully requested to produce some evidence for the defense of the witnesses three of them (Colored) gave testimony exculpating the defendant when the judge Mr. Moulton concluded he lay the case over. I then respectfully requested the case to be commend to the City Court. Mr. Moulton asked me what authority I had to ask this question. I replied I was a US Officer. He then told me I had no business to ask them questions and if I said another word he would