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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen 
and Abandoned Lands
Mobile August 16" 1865

Brig Genl-
Major Swayne
Asst Comr of Bureau of Refugees,
Freedmen and Abandoned Lands-

In accordance with instruction from Gen'l T Kilby Smith I have returned to the control of the Trustees, The Medical University of Alabama Which has been used by the Government as a school for Freedmen. Dr North the President of the Faculty wrote to Genl Woods Comd Department of Ala. Stating the condition of the building, its museum apparatus &c and reporting that it was state property. 
That is would cost thousands to repair the damage sustained by the building from the recent Explosions and the occupation by the Freedmen's School. Genl Wood through Genl Smith and Gen Miller orders the place to be vacated as soon as it can be and returned to the Trustees. 
I shall endeavor to obtain to day one of the many public school buildings for a school for the Freedmen
Your General
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Ser
Wm. A Poillon
Capt Asst Supt Freedmen

Transcription Notes:
per Si ignore archive stamp - removed - filled in blanks