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This being all the evidence, the [[strikethrough]] plaint [[/strikethrough]] Defendant moved the court to dismiss said case upon the several grounds set forth in the paper hereto attached marked exhibit (C). Motion overuled on the following grounds 1st It is not the intention of Genl Order No 12. to modify or make void contract existing before its issue, it does not in letter or spirit revoke the order of Col Conway approved by Genl Smith, or in any manner effect the same further than designate additional officers who who may enforce the same, and instead of sending freedmen who may violate contracts to camps &c they may be treated as vagrants and put to labor upon roads streets &c It does not change after or abrogate such contracts but sets forth the manner in which employer shall proceed to inforce the regulations against those who will not labor, It is the effect of Genl Order No 12 that by it those who do not recontract are to be left helpless, their contracts to be rescinded by Capt Buckley without a hearing, their laborer discharged & permitted to hire to whom they will, there Genl Swayne has been most unfortunate in the mode he has taken to make labor more certain permanent & secure.
2nd Capt Buckley by giving the paper marked (B) if he knew there was a contract, has taken upon him - 

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