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all contracts for a month & must be reduced to writing- I hardly view these cases as contracts. What must I do? Let them stay till Christmas or send them off?

I wish to make, where I can, a contract with my freedmen & give them a part of the crop- I propose also to furnish food clothing & medical services as you order, but propose to charge it to them at the market value giving them a larger portion of the crop. They prefer it & I prefer it as then there will be no grounds for grumbling or complaints as to the amount of food & clothing that they should have. I propose to let them pay the market price for their food & clothing- pay their on doctor's bill. I furnishing these items to them without their being incommoded to procure them- one is satisfied with half a pound of bacon per day, another wants 3/4 per day; I propose to let them have what they want, but each pay for what he gets. Until this kind of a couther be in accordance with your order No 12.

I live 25 miles S.E. of Tuskegee it is therefor more convenient for me to write to Montgomery than to go to Tuskegee & I presume that there is no mail to Tuskegee.  If you do not feel inclined to answer this yourself, please sent it to Tuskegee and his me be answered to Columbus, Ga. Much trouble may be saved to all parties by this understanding. 

J.T. Persons