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Executive Department of Ala
Montgomery October 23rd 1865

Col. Wm. G. Swanson
County Correspondent
Macon County

You are hereby ordered and required, upon the requisition of the Commr of your said county to summon and maintain a sufficient guard of the Militia of your county, to secure due observance of the laws  and its execution in reference to the sentence of the Circuit court of said county in and upon one negro man named,
who at the last term of said Court was convicted of the offense of rape, only you will take care that the offices of the civil laws shall be protected in the discharge of the duties imposed upon them by the judgment of said Court in said case, and, that the peace be preserved and the authority of the laws  maintained.
Should the military authorities of the United States demand a suspension of said sentence, you will comply with said demand and signed a copy of the order be furnished you in writing and report at once to this Department, with a copy of such order.
Lewis E Parsons
Prov Governor of Alabama

By the Governor
Albert Elmore
Secy of State