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change in the county since my arrival-there is a display of interest in all branches of industry, a desire to do something-the people are not so apathetic.

I think I will soon be able to give attention to Clark County in which there is everything to do. These people have had much better opportunity to do well by their servants than in Monroe, but it appears they have done worse in many places-the old system is more rigidly enforced and attended with more abuse than ever, and unless corrected, there can be no arrangement made for the coming year.

I shall require further instructions regarding the children. Are their parents, or the Bureau their proper guardians? Is there any order for indenting them other than that of white children? I make education indispensible [[indispensable]] in all contracts with minors.

I respectfully request you will transmit me these and further instructions you may deem necessary for my duties, with the sincere hope that my action will meet your approbation 

I am sir with much respect
Your Obt. Servt

Wm A Poillon
Capt Asst Supt Freedmen