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in the Proclamation of the President of May 29th 1865. He pledges himself to demean himself as a peaceable, loyal, law abiding citizen of the United States, obeying its laws, and submitting to its authority. As evidence of his loyalty, he will state that he has been appointed by the Provisional Governor of Alabama, Clerk of the Circuit Court of the County of Madison aforesaid, which office he is now holding

Petitioner prays that you will make an order restoring him the possession of his said house and lot.

Robt S. Spragins

Before me Thomas Howlett Captain and Provost Marshal of the Post, at Huntsville Alabama. personally appeared the above named Robert S. Spragins, who makes oath that the facts stated above are true.

Robt S. Spragins

Sworn to and subscribed before me August 23, 1865}
Thos Howlett
Capt 189th OVI
& Provost Marshal