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Office of J. V. Thurston & Co.
Commission Merchants,
131, 132 & 133 West Washington Market,
New York August 29 1865

Gen W Swayne

Dear Sir
I noticed in the N.Y. Herald of the 28th ult a letter written by you in which you express an opinion that Yankee enterprise would be rewarded if properly applied in the South 

My object in writing is the make a few enquiries. If you new the time and dispisition to Reply you will oblije me

Can I purchase a plantation for a low or nominal price and obtain a good title to the same. for Greenback

Can I obtain coloured laborers to work it at reasonable price on either for reasonable wages.
Can I obtain the necessary farming implements
Provisions clothing &c at reasonable prices are there any Military restrictions that would interfere with the successful working of a plantations.

Transcription Notes:
Edited, completed. Do not complete and mark for review until more of the [[?]] are filled in.