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The data especially desired may be classified under such general titles as follows:
I. From executive officers we should be glad to learn,
1. The history in brief of the organization for which they act; enclosing the date of its formation, its precise purpose, its general and particular policy, its constituency, its field of operations, its collections and disbursements in the aggregate, and the like.
2. More definitely, its operations in detail during the year ending August 1865: as (a) collections; (b) disbursements; (c) collecting agencies, and their cost; (d) teachers, superintendents, and other employees and other, extending to complete lists if practicable; (e) concise statements of the relief work prosecuted, with statistics of orphan asylums, industrial schools, and special agencies.
II. From field agents, district superintendents, and teachers, duplicates of their monthly reports to the offices commissioning them, severally, or as nearly an equivalent as man be.
III. From assistant commissioners, and agents of the Bureau, monthly duplicates of reports rendered by their subordinates, so far as the same may be of general interest, and properly communicable; or, better, consolidations of these, tabulated for convenience of reference, with explanitory notes when necessary.
IV. From independent laborers and observing friends, such special information as will not be likely to come from other sources.
And, generally, from all, free suggestions and friendly criticism in the interest of the Commission Work.
It is believed that such an interchange of the results of wide experience and extended observation, may be made conducive to the greatly increased efficiency of all instrumentalities, and to the marked satisfaction of all participating laborers.
Communications, to insure prompt delivery, should be marked "LOCK Box 51."
