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Troy, Ala. Dec 27th 1865.

Gen. Swayne,

Dear Sir:- Will you be so good as to furnish me with a copy of all your late orders with regard to the freedmen - Especially the order you spoke of issuing when I last saw you - 

The negro is in a state of confusion here he knowns not what to do. Very few of them will consent to contract for another year, and hundred of helpless women & children are being thrown out of house Home- I assure you that something ought to be done for them. our laws (of force) are quite insufficient to compel them to work. We hope soon to be able to contract with them, but nothing will facilitate this and prevent much suffering as your orders on these subjects. I will be pleased to aid you & this county in organizing the labor of the County for the next year.

I shall be pleased to hear from you by the bearer.

Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt.
A.N. Worthy