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Robt. / Barber Adj. Gen.

Dear Sir,

I beg leave to inform you, that I have a Negroe man by the name of Willis and his family consisting of five children and his wife on my plantation, but can't get no work out of said Willis he goes off and comes back whenever he chooses.  He has gone to town to day for what business I dont know - You know as well how busy planters are this time of saving the fodder, but he dont mind that - It is impossible for me to support such a family, if some or at least one of them does work - According to law, I hereby report this Negroe to you, and I hoped youll do every thing in your power, either to make him stay at home and work or to let him & family leave now.  Bearer of this Mr Dance can point you out the Negroe if he is in town - 

In doing thus Youll oblige very much
Yours fraternally
D. H. Thrueate

Aug 26/65