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10 Officers of the army are informed that the publication of military orders in newspapers is unauthorized and will not be paid for, unless it shall appear, upon examination of the bills at the War Department, that the orders charged for were necessary and could not have been made to reach those for whose information or government they were intended through the ordinary military channels  The advertisements recognized as proper charges against the government are those relating to supplies or transportation for the army, the sale of public property, the procurement of labor and material for public works, the notices of provost marshals and other officers relative to the draft and the raising of volunteers.

11. Officers are enjoined to practice all possible economy in advertising consistent with the necessities of the service. The publication of blank forms for bids and guarantees is unnecessary, and the practice of ordering notices to be inserted "till day," &e., involves a useless expenditure where the station of the officer is remote from the place of publication.

12. Publishers of newspapers will greatly facilitate the adjustment of their accounts by forwarding to this Department copies of such issues of their respective papers as contain new advertisements published by officers of the army. Newspapers furnished for this purpose will not be paid for, but will be filed for reference as a necessary part of vouchers rendered for advertising.

Address as follows:
"War Department, Washington, D.C."

Job Printing.

13. The circular of this Department, dated September 17. 1864, and embodied in General Orders, No. 260, 1864, requiring that all bills for job printing procured by officers of the army should be submitted to the Assistant Secretary of War to be audited prior to being paid, embraces all descriptions of printing aside from newspaper advertising, such as blanks, posters, general and special orders, proceedings of courts martial, and similar work, excluding blank books and such stationery as is furnished plain and unprinted.

14. Officers are reminded that, as a general rule, all blanks, books,


and printed forms are executed at the Government Printing Office at Washington, and that it is their duty to obtain the same by requisition upon the Adjutant General or the heads of their respective bureaus; and bills for such printing, executed elsewhere, will be disapproved, unless the same shall have been specially authorized by the Secretary of War, or unless it is clearly shown that the printed matter could not have been procured from the heads of bureaus at Washington in time for use. Such other printing as may be necessary to save clerk hire, or to promote the efficiency of the army, may be procured outside of Washington under the direction of commanding officers, chief quartermasters, chief commissaries of armies, departments, divisions, and districts, medical directors, acting assistant provost marshals general of States, and other supervising officers in the locality where the same is required; but in case of all printing not expressly allowed by Army Regulations or existing orders, the necessity and propriety of the work must be clearly shown in presenting the vouchers for approval, and, wherever practicable, it is the duty of the officer to apply at the War Department for authority before ordering the work.

15. A sample of the work must accompany each bill. Where the charge is for book or pamphlet printing, general and special orders, proceedings of courts martial, and similar work, the number of copies, amount of matter, number of tokens of press-work, and the rate per 1,000 ems, per quire, and per token must be stated. Vouchers must show the place where and the date when the work is executed, and the printing be so described as to class, amount, and rates, that the computations can be readily reviewed. Where the paper is furnished by the printer, that fact must be stated in the voucher, with the number of quires or reams used.

16. The heads of the several bureaus of the War Department will instruct the purchasing officers under their charge to procure supplies of stationery by contract, and to furnish the same to officers entitled thereto upon the proper requisitions ; and, wherever practicable, the necessary paper will be furnished to the printer for any work ordered to be done.

17. Bills must first be presented to the officers ordering the work, who will cause them to be made out upon official forms,and attach the usual certificate.

18. Advertisements and job printing, and all items to be paid from