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suffering. Issues for which a lien is taken should be only to persons of undoubted character, experience and industry, and only as a means of enabling freedmen and others to relieve the Government of their support. Such issues should not be made to families living together without marriage. 

X. The lists of lands required by Paragraph I., General Orders No. 4, should embrace all real property owned or used by the late rebel Government, and all which has been libelled for confiscation by the U.S. District Attorney, and which can be made useful by the Agent. As to the latter class, the information need be particular only so far that it can be recognized by that officer who is already in possession of the boundaries. 

XI. It is recommended to Superintendents and their Assistants to select Committees of intelligent and influential freedmen of the vicinity, and to meet them weekly in consultation. This will multiply their own influence in stimulating freedmen to improvement and independence, and make plainer the duty of both parties. 

Much is necessarily left to the discretion of officers. A desire to secure justice without regard to color, and a thorough knowledge of all orders pertaining to the Bureau will enable to meet the requirements of humanity and duty. 

By order of Brig. Gen. Wager Swayne, 
C. Cadle, Jr.. 
Ass't Adj't General. 


Ass't Adj't Gen.