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In conclusion it might be observed that the finest school in Louisiana is held, as it has been for two years past, in a Medical College building like that at Mobile, selected and fitted for school purposes by Maj Gen Banks, and was when I inspected it in March last, in as perfect order and repair as it could have been if no African child had ever passed the portals of intellectual life in crossing its threshhold; and that the Superintendent in charge of the school at Mobile is intimately and personally known to me as eminently fitted for the conscientious discharge of the delicate and difficult trust at present confided to him

Gen Swayne is doubtless known to Your Excellency as the son of Justice Swayne of the Supreme Bench, a Kentuckian, and with no prejudice in favor of the negro as such.

Trusting that no apology is necessary for this frank and direct address to the President upon a test case of great moment, I hasten to relieve the President's patience by subscribing myself, upon behalf of the Commission,

Very Resp'y &c
(signed) Jacob R. Shipherd
Sec'y. &c