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E & M P2 - B"A" No 2-

Head Quarters Post of Tuskegee
Tuskegee, Ala. Oct. 19th 1865.

Respectfully transmitted.
Wm Stubbs
Maj Comd'g Post.

Head Qrs Sub Dist Montgomery
Montgomery Ala Oct 20th 1865.

Respectfully returned to Maj Genl Davies for Comd'g Dist of Montgomery.
Attention called to endorsement of Capt Weeks Com'dg 8th Iowa V.V. Infy
John Lynch

(E & M 132.)
Headquarters District of Montgomery,
Montgomery, Ala. Oct 20th. 1865.

Respectfully Ret'd to Brig. Gen'l Swayne for his information.

James B. Comstock
Assistant Adjutant General.

S.94.  Dist. Montgomery  C.865.
Home Colony 
near Montgomery, Ala.
Oct 13th 1865.

Jas N. Skelton
Capt in charge "Colony"

Requests detail of Prvt James Dohue [[Donahue]] Co "B" 8th Iowa Infantry.

Rec'd BR HQrs Sub Dist Montgy Oct 20th 1865
Rec'd HQrs Sub Dist Montgomery Oct 16th 1865
Rec'd Hd. Qrs. Dist. Montgomery Oct. 16.1865
Rec'd Hd Qrs. of Tuskegee Oct 18th 1865