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I propose to solicit aid from the American Miss. Association, whose Missionary I was during several years, and to whom the "Boston Council" has recently voted an appropriation of $250.000 for Freedmen Schools etc. May I therefore, respectfully request of you to inform me, [[strikethrough]] as per [[/strikethrough]] in accordance with the above as soon Gen. Swayne shall have returned, or at your earliest convenience. I wrote to Rev. Geo. Whipple Cor. Sec. of the A.M.A, provisionally, last week. and if I learn from you that no definite provisions are made from a teacher or teachers for the school at M. I will propose to Mr Whipple to send [[strikethrough]] on a [[/strikethrough]] teachers for that school immediately. 

I am Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt
J Silsby
Agt of Com.

Col. C. Cadel
A A. Gen
Bureau Etc