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Office of Asst Supt Bureau of R. F. and A. L.
Tuskegee Ala December 30th 1865

Col C Cadle Jr
A A G B of R. F. and A.L.

I have the honor to transmit herewith my weekly report: all is quiet in this dist So far as heard from, and those who have been apprehending an insurection are happily disappointed. the Freedmen have principally all g't homes for the year 66. however, there are Some old and decriped who have not, nor can they get homes; Also Some women who have large families, who find it vary dificult to procure homes; Such being facts it necessarly folowes that there will be, and already is, a great many Suffering; and unless there is Some provissions made for them it will increase to an alarming extent.  my time is principally Spent in advising how to make contracts; and settleing old ones.  there is another Source of trouble which arrises from the binding of Colored children.  I find that the Probate Judges of Russell