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discussing the feasibility of such a project and ancious to carry it out if practicable. About two months ago one Col Stoddard, of  Mobile, (late Confederate Cotton Agent in Northern Ala.) made all the preparations to Take a larger number of freed men from Wilcox County, Ala to Pensacola to fish on the coast - they were to be paid $1.50 pr day and rations. He bought from 1200 to 1500 feet of rope and had nets made of it. So much can be proved. He is rich and the last man to turn fisherman. If his own statement is to be believed he has also purchased a plantation in Cuba. His friends say that he succeeded in making one trip - how true this is or how far he committed himself in this matter I shall probably ascertain in a few days through an agent whom I employed in Wilcox Co. A man named Godbold of Mobile tried to get up an adventure of this kind but relinquished it to engage in the more