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certain profit of getting out Confederate Cotton. 
    Several others in Mobile were ancious to have me furnish the Capital for them to go into the business but I considered them men of too small calibre and drunken habits to be trusted by the men who would carryout such a shipment
    Allong the Mississippi Sound I think it unlikely that any serious attempt has been made.  I conversed with a great many on this subject and ascertained that, though an excellent coast to run them from, it was hard to get enough niggers as that population is very sparce in the counties adjourning the sound. They were also afraid that some of the fisherman and poor union men on the coast would inform on them
    It will seem as if I returned to this place just as I appeared to be getting a clue to this whole matter.  My reason for this was that in expenditure I had already exceeded the amount mentioned by you