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Headquarters Department of War
Office Commissary of Subsistence
Montgomery Ala July 7/66


     In compliance with your verbal instruction I visited the Colony of Garland on the 1st inst. and after a thorough inspection, have the honor to submit the following report.
     The dependents there congregated number at present Sixty five persons, consisting of four(4) men nineteen(19) women and forty two(42) children    
     Two of the men are old and diseased- both are afficted with chronic Rheumatism, one other has the small pox, the fourth man is healthy and at times works for a few days, returning to the colony.
     Of the women Two(2) are confined to their bed. One with chronic diarhea - the other with white swelling  Two are pregnant - one in an advanced stage Ten(10) are old, and unable to earn a living by labor.- Six (6) are able to work, but having large families the planters are unwilling to suport the children for the mothers labor-
     There are two white refugee families at the colony The first consists of a mother and two children-one of the children is dangerously ill with the dropsy- The other is a bright and healthy boy of 14 years. The other family consists of Mother, and three children-one of the children being sick with remmitten fever
     Amongst the children there is more or