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Depot he stated that his predecessor Mr Grant had received the stores some time in the fall of 1865 and that they were brought from Columbus Ga by soldiers on Government wagons; And that Mr Grant had told him ([[?]]) that he had shipped a portion of the stores upon which there was due the Rail R [[?]] Six dollars which he requested Mr. Abbott to collect.

He says that, he does not remember, if Mr. Grant stated where the stores were sent to Only remembers it as one of the things spoken of by his predecessor, upon his leaving the Depot.

We next proceeded to question Quincy Jones, [colored], employee, who has been employed at the Depot since summer of 1865. He says that the stores were brought from Columbus in four wagons, that they were brought by soldiers, and that Mr Grant shipped a car load of them about that time - but could not say where to, or, to whom, but thought soldiers went with them on the same train. 

I found that none of the parties signing the letter from their own knowledge were acquainted with any circumstances which would lead me to suppose that any stealing had been going on.

After a pretty thorough investigation nothing was developed which would lead me to suppose any of the R.R. Employees were guilty of abstracting the store.

My opinion is that the Stores betrayed