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right to dispose of the property.

They have errected thereon comfortable houses and have until this time supposed that they would eventually own the property.

The United States District Attorney has declared that no right exists in the Bureau to make such arrangements or even to dispose of any property personal or otherwise that belonged to the late Rebel Government.

Unless some action is at once taken, these freedmen will be dispossessed of their comfortable homes and subjected to the loss of all improvements made on these lots.

Mer. Gardner refers to the "provision of the agreement made with Mr. Shepherd." The whole tract of land referred to consists of 20.4 acres of which 7.72 acres was set apart for Freedmen.  The rest was provisionally sold to Mj. A. K. Shepherd with the understanding that he could have the 7.72 acres provided he would furnish other land equally good, obtain the consent of the