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Greenville Ala Feb 20th 1866.
Gen. Swayne, in
Dear Sir,
We have a large number of indigent families in Butler County, and I would like to draw for 30 day's rations at a time, my instructions say that I can not draw for more than 500 rations per day; by drawing for 30 days I think I should have a sufficiency, and if there was an overplus at the eve privation of the 30 days I could report the surplus; In this County the heads of families and children between the ages of one + twelve years are all that draw, unless others of the family are sick or criples. Will it be necessary for me to keep the age of each child and their sex? I wrote to Mr. Laverikshawk but I may not get an answer from him in time, and I am to commence on the 1st day of March next.
Very Respectfully your abt Servant
S. I. Bollering
Judge of probate
Butler County Ala