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Prattville April 23rd 1866
To the Agent of Freedmans
Montgomery Ala
Dear Sir
Bill Pratt a colored man requests me to unite to you and enquire if you would make an order releasing him from the bonds of matrimony with Rachael a colored woman, provided he could make satisfactory proof to you that he is entitled to a divorce. I am not advising this course except for the reason that he has not sufficient means to prosecute a suit in Chancery for a divorce. The parties were never married but the State Convention made all who were living and Cohabiting together, husband and wife. Bill sustains a good character for truth honesty and industry, and has been treated badly no doubt. I have advised him that he cannot abandon her without supporting her according to our laws, unless he could either obtain an order from you (in which case I am certain that its validity would not be questioned whither strictly legal or not) or a divorce from a Court of Chancery. 
Please respond at once in order that I may show Bill your decision in the matter
Your obt Servant
Henly Brown