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Tuscaloosa Ala January 8th, 1866

Col C. Cadle Jr A.A.G.

I have the honor to state that I have been conducting the affairs of this office for the past week to the best of my abilities. I find that I shall be under the necessity of issuing rations to numerous sick and decripid [[decrepit]] Freedman I find them living in hovels and some entirely destitute. Those able to labor I find willing and anxious.
Have approved of contracts for quite a number during the past week. The former owner of old and decripid [[decrepit]] freedman are now throwing them upon their own recourses they haveing [[having]] kept them out of charity untill [[until]] Christmas. Almost daily I am called upon to provide for such people, but have been unable to do so on account of not having the necessary supplies. 
Very Respectfully, Your Obdt Servant
J. W. Cogswell
Capt Co. B 34th. N.J. Vols
Acting Asst Supt

Transcription Notes:
unable to transcribe who letter is being addressed or the signify Edited: removed Archive stamp per SI ignore, per Si, don't put comments in transcription section, changes and corrections