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to transport these supplies from the depot specified. It will also be necessary that some efficient and reliable agent be appointed to receive and distribute them. This agent must also be compensated by the County. I design making these appointments as early as practicable and in the mean time suggest that the Commissioners of your County, in conjunction with the Probate Judge, make temporary appointments of agents for that purpose.

Great care should be taken in the selection of these agents, who should be chosen, solely with the referance [[reference]] to a prompt and faithful discharge of the duties to be performed. (In some counties the Judge or other member of the Court might be able to fill this agency)

These supplies are intended for the destitute - Those unable to procure subsistence for themselves by proper effort and without distinction of color

While the helpless should not be permitted 

Transcription Notes:
edited: per Si not to truncate words, last word on page completed using following page