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to the cognicence of Mr. Skinner the Justice of Peace of this place he declares them to be out of his jurisdiction or sends them to some other Justice to receive the same reply. I considder theas cases as being evident denial of Justice on his part. 
Quite a number of Freedmen have applied to me for an order to buy rations from the Comisary. Please inform me if I have any authority for issuing such orders.
I am at presant not issuing rations except to aged and sick freedmen and then upon recommendation of the surgeon, I do not forward a ration return not knowing wheather they are required tri monthly or monthly
Allow me to ask for information if the Commisary's vouchers for rations are required
I am Colonel Very Respectfully 
Your Obedient Servant
J. W. Cogswell
Capt Co. B 34th N.J. Vols
Supt Freedmen &c

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