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100 barrels of pork at $40........  4,000
40 barrels of molasses at $40......  1,600
Clothing for 100 hands, at $50..... 5,000
50 first class mules, at $150........  7,500
Wagons and farming implements....  3,500
Oxen and cows...................  1,500
5,000 bushels of corn, at $1.........  5,000
Hay and fodder.................  1,500
Overseer's wages.................  2,000
Assistant Overseer's wages..........   800
Medicines, medical attendance, &c...  1,500
Carpenter's tools, cooking utensils...  1,000
Lumber............................  1,000
Incidentals........................  1,500
Fee simple of land, at $20 per acre...  25,000
1,000 bales of cotton--400 pounds
each--at 30 cents..............$120,000
7,500 bushels of corn at $1........  6,500
50 mules, at $100 each..........  5,000
Oxen and cows....................  1,000
Carpenter's tools, &c............    500
Fee simple of land..............  25,000
Deduct expenses................... 74,400
Net profits......................  $83,600
Say but half of the above crop--20[[?]] pounds to the acre --[[?]] made, and the profits would still be $2[?],000, or almost the cost of the land, which, with the certain development of the South must increase in value.
WESTERN STEAMBOAT DISASTERS.-- The following is a list of the steamboats that have been on western and southern water since the first of December last
Belle Memphis...............$100,000
Warsaw....................... 75,000
City of Pekin.................50,000
Prairie Rose..................20,000
J. Parkisson..................10,000
Little Julia..................5,000
Hattie May....................46,000
[[Ferry Boat?]]...............45,000
[[Sugar ?]] No. 3.............20,000
Three wharfboats[?]...........27,000
Ten Barges....................30,000
Niagara sunk by collision.....12,000
Li[?]ie Tate, sunk............25,000
Ben Stickney..................150,000
[[??]], sank--since raised....10,000
Commercial, sunk..............10,000
Miami, exploded...............28,000
Eleanora Carroll, burned......130,000

Tuscaloosa Observer
February 10th

Transcription Notes:
right edge is cut off maybe by a letter or number, so where you see "4,00", it really means "$4,000", not "$4.00" . I added the "0", as you can slightly see some of them down the right side.