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Goodfellow and Lt. Midler when they saw that I was ordered to reinvestigate the case and send report of action through Genl Swayne, to Washington. 
The fact of my failing to act in the matter at once caused the party interested (Mr. Giers) to [[?]] me relative to the matter, this called from me a letter of explanation to him (Giers) privately in which I stated all the reasons as above stated which was perfectly satisfactory to him, also Genl Howard & others.
I must think from the letter just recd and telegram recd some days since, that I have been misrepresented in the matter, as the orders laid down in both, are just what I have adhered to throughout. I have never taken any action in such cases although complaints have been frequent many of which I thought were groundless and the result of a hatred toward the bureau.
I have the honor to be 
Very respy your obd't serv't
Jno. B. Callis
Bt. Col USV & Supt Dist.

[[note]] Office Supt B R F & A L Huntsville May 2d 1866
Callis J. B. Bvt Col and Supt
In relation to past official transactions of T M Goodfellow [[/note]]