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Office Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
District of Northern Alabama, May 2nd 1866.

O.D. Kinsman
Asst. Adjt Genl

I have the honor to transmit herewith a requisition for teams, ambulances &c the necessity for three teams arises from the fact that the Quartermaster Dept'mt at this place is ordered to be broken up, and the teams &c sold. I wish an order on the Q.M. at this place to turn over such teams &c as indispensible to the Bureau. We have to handle Two Hundred and Ten Thousand rations each month now & must have the teams; and when the Q.M. is ordered away from this place, I must have a quartermaster & Commissary. I trust their papers will be put through in the shortest time possible as the necessities of the case demand immediate attention.
I have the honor Major
to be Very Respectfully 
Jno. B. Callis
Bvt. Col and Supt Disct
Northern Alabama

Transcription Notes:
Transcriber kept typing "horse" or "horses" for the words "team" or "teams". Fixed that. Teams are horses.