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Office Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
District of Northern Alabama,
Huntsville Ala May 25th 1866.


I have the honor to transmit herewith a transfer of Attorney, executed by William Rann, late a private in Company "B" 110th U.S.C.I., appointing Bv't Maj. William Fowler A.A.G. BRF&AL his attorney to prosecute his claim for arrears of Pay and Bounty, instead of of one John O'Neill, Claim Agent at Nashville Tenn, his former Attorney.

Very Respectfully
your Ob'd't Serv't
Jno B. Callés
Bvt Col USR & Supt BRF&AL
Hon. Dist. of Ala.

Col. C. Cadle Jr ACSG
Montgomery Ala.