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Office Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
District of Northern Alabama,
Huntsville Ala  May 28th 1866.

Major O.D.Kinsman
AA General


I am in receipt of your letter of the 23d inst., relating to "one of the bills" for State and County Tax, demanded of Freedmen in my County:

On inquiry, I am unable to find any "bill" on the subject. I am also at a loss to determine whether you mean 'bill' - a Legislative enactment -or a tax levied by the County Authorities. I have conferred with officers and others here, and am unable to procure any definite information on the subject.

If you will explain more fully, I may be able to give you the information required.

I am, Major, Very Respectfully
Your ob'd't Sv't
Jno B Callis
Bvt Col Mgr & Supt B R F & AL
Director, Ala.

R.O.P. 75