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[[confidence]] and respect of all classes. (He is the county treasurer).

Maj Thenne is laboring hard to relieve the destitute and protect the Government 
He has been imposed upon by some undeserving parties and in his efforts to protect against a repetition of these impositions has been drawing the line so rigidly that I found some who ought to have assistance might suffer. He informs me that he has not had the quantity of rations issued in the requisition for the present month. The breadstuffs the kind of food most needed has been very deficient in quantity but little more than one third the quantity [[opportuned?]] having been received.  The issue to St Clair & Calhoun were consequently limited in the important item of breadstuffs. Our County officers have estimated that these are at least 1800 persons actually destitute and not less than 2500 requiring relief.

The agent for St Clair County reports that there are from 12 to 1800 persons in this County entirely destitute and many who require some relief.

I find that private individuals in all this section of county are heavily taxed in addition to all that is being