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answer fully. When Employers, in consequence of their knowledge of the law, money, and friends, are about to get possession of property, without value recieved - say a horse bought from the Goverment by a Freedman - as Agent how far can I intervene &c?

I am trying to do my duty as Magistrate, and Agent of the Bureau, in consequence of which I have made, and am makeing enemies among the ignorant - with the inteligent I have no trouble, for they are all warm supporters of the Bureau, and appreciate the good the Bureau has done for us. The crops have been much damaged by the excessive Rains,- and the prospects of the Cotton Crop are gloomy. Generally the Freedmen are doing well - my course as Agent has been, and will be, to keep the Freedmen on the Farms, and to their Contracts, and from under the Penalties of the Law. I am serving the Freedmen as Preacher - My Children & wife when she can, are teaching those I have in my Employ as far as it can be done on my farm. The feeling toward the Freedmen, among the inteligent, is kind, and tender - and among the Freedmen toward those who deal justly with them, warm and constant. I take the liberty of refering you as to my character and position - To Bishop H. N. McGuire - Hon Wm M. Bgrd of the Supreme Court - Hon H. W. Williard. My address is Bellevue Dallas County Ala. Care of Hon Rev Edwards Grey.

Permit me with respect, to subscribe myself your obedient
D. Carmichael

Transcription Notes:
Interesting letters