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Mobile June 5 1888

Capt E.B. Boyd US QM has been ordered home to report to the Adjt Genl. Hd Qurs until the 15 inst to report in.  He starts from here tomorrow.  He is willing to remain in the service provided he can have from now until about the 20 or 25 to be at home. 

By making an application to the Adjt Genl you can have him ordered to you.

Unless we get Capt B., Capt Grierson must be our Chf Q M as he is the only one left in the Dept. and he will not suit you 

I saw Gen Woods a moment yesterday afternoon. - am going this morning to see him.

He starts up on Thursday by river and will stop in Mont a day or two.  I will write you again this evening or in the morning.

Very Respy
C Cadle Jr AAG

Transcription Notes:
Lots of things hard to read