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an application for a detail of soldiers to go and arrest him, and it was referred to the General commanding the Department. The guilty man still runs at large, and from present indications, is likely to remain undisturbed in his lawless liberty, indefinitely. The same man is an applicant for pardon, and is on parole of honor to behave himself! 

Three weeks ago, four hundred sacks of corn for distribution to destitute of North Alabama, arrived here. The Judge of Probate, although aware of the arrival of these supplies, made no disposition of them, and the other day, on being informed that the corn awaited his order, he stated that he was going to Memphis, and on his return would see to its distribution. Thus this greatly needed article lies awaiting the return of his Honor.

Every means is used to convey the idea to the destitute that the local magnates are the source from whence their wants are supplied, and favoritism, and electioneering, and paying of debts with provisions, gratuitously furnished, are the results. These petty leaders seem