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Valhermoso. Springs. Morgan. Co. Ala.
June 8th 1866.

Gen. Wagner Swayne

We the undersigned late Officers in the U.S.A. and loyal citizens of Morgan Co. Ala. have the honor to submit to your notice the following facts, in regard to one George. P. Charlton, who has been recently elected Judge of Probate for said county. The said George. P. Charlton. held at different times two offices of trust under the so called Confederate Govt, one as a member of the Legislature and one as Superintendent of the collection of war tax. which the enclosed copy of his oath will show. The said George. P. Charlton. has never been pardoned, and has taken his seat in violation of the Presidents message of May 29th 1865.

We hold it our duty as Union men to have the facts known that the matter may be investigated, and we protected in our rights, As the U.S. Govt says Union men must rule and not rebels who bid defiance to the U.S. laws.

We are Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Servants,
E.H. Chase
Late Capt. 110th U.S.C.I.
Chas. A. Beckert.
late Capt. 110th U.S.C. Inf.

John M. Elkins
Jessee Mayhall
Elijah Cryer
Jas T Groch
D R Bamery
Joshua F West
W A Lamong
Larkin Humphreys

Transcription Notes:
check whole bottom especially names ("Wagner" a misspelling of "Wager" Swayne)