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E & M 83 No 315. Sub D of A 1866

Head-Quarters Sub District of Alabama
Montgomery, Ala., August 28, 1866.

The control of branded animals in the possession of citizens of this State being vested in the Assistant Commissioner, the Superintendent of the Bureau at Huntsville will cause the animal referred to to be transferred to its original owner.

The Commanding Officer of the troops at Huntsville will furnish any detail that may be called for.

O.D. Kinsman

R.E.B.P. 104. 

Office Bureau Refugees F and A.L.
Huntsville Ala. Sept. 9th 1866

Respectfully referred to C.A. Tinge Esq. Agt. of Bureau at Florence, who will see that the within named property is restored to its original owner on proper proof being made and return these papers to this office with report of action and young Kernacharis receipt.

Jno B Callis
Bvt. Col. & Supt
BRF and AL

R.E.B.P. 105.

Action taken
The mule proven to be his property and returned to the proper owner R. Kernahan. Within find receipt 

C.A. Tinge Agt. 
Florence Sept 17, 1866

R.E.B.P. 106.