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Calhoun Co. Ala. Oct. 14th 1866

Gen. Grant,

Sir, I desire to call your attention to the condition, of all True loyal citizens to the U.S. Government. I live in a settlement of Union men.  There was 105 votes poled at our presinct, & we only had 3 secession votes cast at our presinct, & I do not know of but the 3 secessionists in this settlement, & they are the men that is on the jury in our county court, I do not know of One Loyal man that is on the jury in this county, I heard one of my neighbors say yesterday he was refused as a Land Renter, because of his being known to be a Union man,  we have what is called a Union league, & it is a common thing for a man, that belongs to the Leauge, to be refused land to tend as a renter. by the Secessionist, I could mention a grate many such things.  I am sure we have here just as good Loyal men here as there is in the U.S. but we have a poor chance in this country, I was made to go in the Confederate War by the Confederate Law, but I left the South & become a soldier of the US. [[?]]  I was on the U.S. SS. Sabine for a short time, & a grate many men in this County have made good Soldiers in the U.S. army, since have returned to there homes, & has no chance, in Law at tall where the Rebels are in power, the Law is in this State That no person is allowed to peddle except a disabled Confederate Soldier, they are allowed to ped. free of Tax, but if I peddle I must pay two hundred dollars State tax for One County, & for One wagon, I am not able to do common Labor, & I have heretofore made my living by pedling

I cant pay the Tax now & live.

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