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5th To furnish the necessary mechanics for building and repairing Cabin making coffins and for repairing Govt Wagons Harness &c &c.
In short to furnish everything required for carrying on the Plantation and keeping up the Colony, except Ration and medicines for the People Mules (about 18 head) Wagons Harness and Forage. which would be required by the Colony any way and a few Q. M Stores such as nails &c
If you approve and accept the foregoing plan and proposition please put it in the form of a Contract in duplicate with your signature and send it by Capt Haptonstall shall and I will sign and return you one coppy
I have the honor to be 
Your Obedient Servt
A P Gibson 1st Lieut 47" Ills
and AAQM Beau RF.&AL

C. Cadle Jr
Beau RF & AL