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if the offence consisted in violation of contract, when the penalty imposed by the state laws had been satisfied, the offender was free from all further obligation, and the sending back would be an exercise of arbitrary power. The applicant said that too many would leave after getting an advance in the way of necessary clothing if only a few days chain ganging were all it would cost them. &c. &c. Please answer immediately if this point can be allowed.

2d  Is it my responsibility to see that all contracts are duly stamped?  And is it decided whither a contract needs but one stamp, however many hands there may be, or as many stamps as there are hands?  In the latter case, I suppose only heads of families and single persons.

3d  An application has been made by Messrs Hall and Lapsley owners of property in the rear of Wayside Hospital to have the frame building given up. We have been occupying since the surrender, a two story dwelling house [[strikethrough]] frame building [[/strikethrough]], against which that rough board frame building abutted, which you will remember looking at, and the frame